Update: From 2-Pagers to Project Proposals
In January and March of this year, 22 project ideas across all four Moonshot Research Trajectories (MOTs) were submitted by Flemish universities and research institutes in the form of 2-pagers.
In January and March of this year, 22 project ideas across all four Moonshot Research Trajectories (MOTs) were submitted by Flemish universities and research institutes in the form of 2-pagers. In total, a budget of 59.4 mio EUR was requested for these 22 cSBO projects.
After advice by DB Catalisti (and Flux50 for MOT4) and a decision by BoD Catalisti (and again Flux50 for MOT4), only 11 project ideas remain, totaling a requested budget of 28.8 mio EUR. These 11 project ideas are currently being elaborated into detailed project proposals to be submitted on 15 June 2021 for the final stages of evaluation.
In addition to these new cSBO project proposals, 4 sprint cSBO projects that started in early 2020 have submitted a request to initiate a follow-up project. Finally, one Later Stage Innovation project proposal will also be submitted. These projects too will be evaluated before the end of the year.