
Accelerating the transformation of our Flemish industry towards climate neutrality

Climate change is a hard problem for all of us and we must tackle it together by drastically cutting greenhouse gas emissions. The Flanders Industry Innovation Moonshot unites industries, citizens, and governments to drive change. Flemish research institutes that develop breakthrough technologies to create climate-friendly processes and products are supported by the Moonshot program. These technological innovations serve the wider purpose of systemic transformation of our industries. Bold innovations will help Flemish industries go carbon circular and CO2-neutral.


To achieve the Moonshot ambition, industry-driven innovative research is pursued in four Moonshot Research Paths. These thematic paths reflect the selected transition paths towards a climate-friendly industry.

Made possible by Moonshot Flanders

BIOCON: catalytic biorefinery of lignocellulosic material to functional bio-aromatics

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PILLAR II: a pilot infrastructure for catalytic processing of wood and lignin.

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SUPER-DRY REFORMING (SDR): chemical Looping Process for Super-Dry Reforming of CO2 into CO

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