Project Procedure

Before a Moonshot project can take off, it passes through several evaluation stages. Every Moonshot project starts from a particular project idea. This idea first has to become a full project proposal before it can be evaluated, approved and subsidized. Project ideas need to fit within one of the available Moonshot project types.

The Moonshot evaluation procedure is not unique, but based on the procedure successfully implemented in recent years by spearhead clusters like Catalisti. For a schematic overview of this evaluation procedure, please consult the evaluation tollgates below.

Project ideas

Starting from the overall Moonshot targets, the input from the context analysis/roadmap study and the KPIs of each MOT, project ideas are scrutinized within a MOT pool. The idea’s competencies, pathways, valorisation opportunities and contributions to Moonshot and the MOT KPIs are discussed. A consortium of at least 3 research groups from at least 2 knowledge institutes is set up around the project idea.

This consortium writes a 3-pager on the basis of a template. The 3-pager captures the research goal and the way in which this goal is to be achieved (high level work package description). It describes the proposed consortium and the impact of the proposed research on the overall Moonshot targets, including the Co2 emissions reduction potential, and the MOT KPIs. The Moonshot operational team can be supportive in the elaboration of the 3-pager and provide feedback. This feedback is an opportunity for the consortia to align the 3-pager with the minimal requirements imposed by the cSBO project format, i.e. an industrially oriented basic research project. Then, the 3-pager is submitted to the Board of Directors of Catalisti (represented by the Catalisti Focus Group) – and to the Board of Directors of Flux50 in case of energy-related project ideas (MOT4). The Boards of Directors select promising project ideas based on their technological and economic relevance.


Project ideas selected by the Catalisti and/or Flux50 Board of Directors are further developed into a full project proposal. The Moonshot operational team supports the consortium in implementing the suggestions formulated by the respective Board of Directors and helps the applicants with the elaboration of the 3-pager into a full project proposal. Then, the Moonshot operational team submits the full project proposal to VLAIO, which checks its admissibility and starts the evaluation procedure.


Before a Moonshot project can take off, it passes through several evaluation stages. The Moonshot evaluation procedure is not unique, but based on the procedure successfully implemented in recent years by spearhead clusters like Catalisti. For a schematic overview of this evaluation procedure, please consult the evaluation tollgates in the Documents & Downloads section.