Moonshot Research Paths

Innovative Moonshot research will enable the development of breakthrough technologies by 2040 to create new climate-friendly technologies, products and processes.

Fortunately, Flanders does not have to start from scratch. Flanders has a strong knowledge base and an innovative industry that is already putting promising technologies into practice. Moonshot identifies five core competencies, or enablers, as specific strengths Flanders that can build on: conversion technology, separation technology, predictive technology, energy storage and energy transport.

Through these enablers, four closely connected Moonshot Research Paths were initiated. In each Research Path, innovative research concerning the topic is pursued. Click on the images below to learn more about each path.

For each research Path (previously known as “MOT”), a general description of the program and its particular challenges is provided. Based on discussions within the Moonshot Scientific Advisory Board (WAR) and with selected industry representatives, a list of specific research areas which are deemed of interest to Moonshot, and which can be used for inspiration in setting up a research proposal is provided. Furthermore, some general reflections and points of attention are summarized. Other topics not specifically mentioned are also welcomed, given a contribution to the realization of the Moonshot objectives. Finally, for each Path, the specific goals and KPI’s are listed. 

As of 2025, there will be an increased focus on LSI projects. Accordingly, a dedicated budget of €6 million has been allocated for these projects. In practice, this means that LSI projects will initially be ranked separately. Once the €6 million budget has been allocated, any remaining LSI projects will be included in the overall pool, alongside the ESI projects.