High Performance Protein Fibre materials.
The Flemish industry currently relies heavily on fossil-based raw materials. Oil, for example, is a well-known fossil-based feedstock. It is not only used to make fuel but also to produce plastics. Burning these plastics after use releases CO2 into the atmosphere. The Moonshot initiative seeks to reduce this type of CO2 emissions. Path 1 drives research into alternative feedstocks derived from biomass. These alternatives will be renewable and reduce fossil carbon use.
Biomass, including wood, crops, and other plant-based materials, offers an abundant and renewable alternative to fossil-based feedstocks.
In biorefineries, both biomass and biomass waste streams, such as plant-based waste from kitchens and gardens, can be converted into renewable basic building blocks. In turn, these can be used to make safe, sustainable variants of traditional fossil-based products. In this way, biomass can be used to produce all kinds of high-value and high-functional products, from plastics to cosmetics.
Replacing fossil-based feedstocks, e.g. oil, with renewable raw materials, such as biomass and biomass waste, reduces greenhouse gas emissions. Bio-based chemistry is therefore a crucial Pathway to make the Flemish industry carbon circular and low in CO2 by 2050.
There are, however, challenges to overcome. Ground-breaking technology needs to be developed to convert biomass into a broad range of building blocks. New conversion pathways and separation processes need to be designed to turn biobased feedstocks into high-end applications like advanced materials, dedicated solvents, and tailored additives. Additionally, energy consumption and production costs need to be lowered. Take into account the energy impact of your innovation, both on the process and system level considering quantity, flexibility, and availability.
Path 1 seeks to overcome these challenges. Below is a list indicating specific research areas of interest and points of attention. This list is not exhaustive.
Focus on feedstock (biomass) that is not competitive with a sustainable food chain, including organic waste (e.g., tomato waste, malt from breweries), but that is abundant and interesting as feedstock.
Significant CO2 impact is only achievable with high-volume chemicals.
Key hurdles towards technical and economic feasibility should be tackled first.
It is highly recommended to provide some preliminary data in Path 1 applications in the early application file and/or full proposal regarding, for example, titer, productivity, price, etc. when regarding biotech processes (for the purpose of estimating the techno-economic feasibility).
Research into proteins/peptides (can organize themselves and therefore have many functionalities) (e.g., surfactants, coatings, binders, enzymatic catalysis).
Chemistry based on oils and fats.
Polysaccharide chemistry based on e.g., algae, seaweed, insect/shrimp exoskeletons, etc.
The first Moonshot research Path on bio-based chemistry aims to:
Develop at least 3 new bio-based chemical products up to TRL 6, and have at least 2 on TRL8 in Flanders by 2030, followed by at least 2 new products to TRL 6 every 5 years thereafter. Compared to similar fossil-based products, these new products should have at least equivalent functionality/value and/or new functionality with a potential higher added value.
Products and processes will be more sustainable in terms of carbon footprint and environmental impact than their fossil-based counterparts.
These goals have to be met within the following preconditions:
Products are based on stable, competitively priced supply chains/raw materials from the circular use of biomass and the rational use of crops.
End products must be able to play an important role in (future) Flemish industrial value chains and have considerable global market potential.