Acid-catalyzed production of green butadiene from butanediols

Using micro-organisms, GREEN-B2B aims to convert paper and cardboard waste into chemicals such as biobased butadiene.

GREEN B2B MOT1 Moonshot 2020

Butadiene from biomass?

1,3-butadiene (BD) is an important bulk chemical for the polymer industry. Annually, 15 million tons of BD are produced worldwide, for example for its application in the rubber industry. Today, the production of BD is fossil-based. Biomass, however, represents an interesting alternative feedstock for the sustainable production of chemicals like BD.

Fermentation and conversion

To go from biomass to green BD, GREEN-B2B will first turn biomass into butanediols via fermentation. Next, a catalytic conversion process will be employed to turn the butanediols into green BD. CO2 inherently produced during fermentation will be immediately reused in the process itself.


By developing green, biobased BD, GREEN-B2B will help Flemish industries step away from fossil-based products and significantly reduce their CO2 emissions.

Project details

Project type
ESI Project
Research trajectory
Path 1
Project status
Approved on
Project date
€850 506
€850 506

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